Obtain in pure form, in chemistry or medicine. 得到某物的纯净形式多用于化学或医药中。
And pure chemistry should not be overlooked in light of applied research. 而且不应该重应用化学轻纯粹化学。
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 理论化学和应用化学国际联会
Institute for Pure and Applied Chemistry 纯化学和应用化学研究所
The International Union of pure and applied chemistry. 国际纯化学与应用化学联盟。
This method is an improvement and supplement to the method of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC). It simplifies the analysis process sharply, and could be widely applied in related analyses. 这种方法是对国际纯粹化学和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)方法的改进和补充,大大简化了分析过程,可以广泛地应用于相关的研究与分析中。
The Third From of Carbon-Pure Carbon Molecules and the Chemistry of Fullerenes 碳的第三种形态&全碳分子与富勒烯化学
Result of the study on the solubility of oxides of commonly used metallic substrate materials and alloy elements in pure Na_2SO_4 and its salt mixture is emphatically described and thus, based on thermal chemistry and electrochemistry, the mechanism of the hot corrosion at high temperature is discussed. 着重介绍了金属材料中常用的基体材料及合金元素的氧化物,在纯Na2SO4及其混合盐中溶解度的研究结果,进而从热化学及电化学方面进一步讨论了高温热腐蚀机理。
Those chemists who are engaged in the research of both pure and applied chemistry, or who both work in chemical research and are in charge of chemical business are defined as "amphibious chemists". 本文把既从事基础化学研究又进行应用化学研究,或者既从事化学研究又经营化学企实业的化学家定义为两栖化学家;
QSAR, which investigates the quantitative relationship between the molecular structure and biological activities or dependent functions, is one of the most important fundamental fields in pure and applied chemistry and pharmacy. 定量构效关系,是一个重要的现代药学与化学基础理论研究与开发应用领域,其核心内容是考察和分析基本分子结构特征与物化性质或生物活性之间的定量相关关系。
However, once the chemical knowledge is involved in practical issues, students are at a loss, which reflects the negative influence brought by students 'study of pure chemistry knowledge: they study it merely theoretically without awareness of application. 一旦将化学知识和实际问题联系起来,学生则往往不知所措,这反映出学生只会纸上谈兵,而没有用化学的意识,更谈不上运用化学思想和方法去分析和解决实际问题了。
How to get rid of deleterious impurities in the tail gas and get the high pure CO which can produce the high value chemistry engineering products is the basic way of the integrative utilize of yellow phosphorous tail gas. 如何除去尾气中的有害杂质,得到高纯度的CO,生产高附加值的化工产品是黄磷尾气综合利用的基本方向。
On the base of making a clear definition of pure substance in liquid saturation vapor pressure, this article puts forward another deduction method of Kelvin equation, and discusses the two deduction methods in two sorts of teaching materials of Physics Chemistry. 本文在对纯物质液体饱和蒸气压作出明确定义的基础上,提出开尔文公式的另一种推导方法,并与两种《物理化学》教材的作者进行商榷。
From the aspects of pure coordination chemistry and tanning chemistry, the methods and achievements on the research of the composition and distribution of aluminum complexes were introduced. 介绍了单纯从配位化学的角度及从制革化学的角度对铝()配合物溶液的组成及组份分布进行研究的方法及已取得的成果。
The influence and mechanism of copper ions and nickel ions on the flotation of talc were investigated by flotation experiments using pure talc, measurements of zeta potential, and calculation of the solution chemistry. 通过对滑石纯矿物的浮选实验和动电位的测试,结合水解金属离子溶液化学计算,研究了金属离子对滑石浮选的影响及作用机理。
It needs thorough theory and experimental study when biodiesel is widely applied and realized highly effective and pure burning in the engine, because there are differences between the biodiesel and diesel in the physics and chemistry characteristic, as well as the atomization characteristic and the combustion characteristic. 由于生物柴油与柴油在理化特性、雾化和燃烧特性方面存在差异,将生物柴油广泛应用于发动机并实现发动机高效、洁净燃烧还需进行深入的理论和试验研究。
The self-preparation suntan oil using pure rutile nano-powder has better UV-shielding properities and stability than chemistry suntan oil and physical suntan oil on the market. And it has the other advantages, such as non-toxic and no absorbed by skin. 利用纯金红石相TiO2纳米晶自制的防晒霜紫外屏蔽效果及稳定性更好,优于市售的化学防晒及物理防晒商品,且具有无毒、不被吸收等优点。